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Brush Cutters

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Extreme Open Front

In Stock. Our most popular brush cutter.

Skid Pro Industrial / Extreme duty open front 72" and 84" brush cutter. Standard flow. Cuts up to 8" trees. 

Skid Pro GB2 

In Stock. Next Generation. A cost effective cutter for 2-3" saplings, grass and shrubs. 60" and 72". 

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Mega Mower

In Stock. Mega Mower brush cutters. Standard flow and high flow options.  

C.I.D. Cutters

Contact us for more information regarding CID brush cutters.

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Extreme Closed Front

Skid Pro Industrial / Extreme duty closed front 72" brush cutter. Standard flow. Cuts up to 6" trees. 

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Skid Pro HD3

In Stock. Heavy duty direct drive brush cutter. A high performance lighter weight option. Standard flow. 60" and 72".

B.D. Extreme

Blue Diamond extreme duty open front 72" brush cutter. Cuts up to 6" trees.


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Excavator cutters

Mow grass and cut up to 6" stems with mini and full sized excavator brush cutters. 

Skid Pro Industrial

In Stock. High Flow industrial open front 72" and 84" brush cutter. Cuts up to 10" trees. Our most powerful brush cutter. 

Mini Brush Cutters

In Stock. Mini skid steer brush cutters in stock. Bobcat, Dingo / Vermeer and ASV mounts available. 

B.D. Severe Duty

Blue Diamond severe duty brush cutter. Three motor sizes available to match your machine.  

Here are the most popular brush cutters we work with. 

We also have many more options available that are not listed above. 

Let us help you find the correct cutter for your machine and application. 

Some important information when selecting your brush cutter:

  • What size of brush and trees do you plan to cut.

  • What host machine will you put it on.

  • How much auxiliary pressure and flow does the host machine generate. 

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